Written by Bernard originally on the Forum on 25 September 2007 at 02:23 PM

agreement unified field bernard poolman desteni.png



A word of thanks to all participating in this site.

We opened the portal to establish what was really going on in existence. Nothing made sense. We studied initially anything from ascension, Taoism, Hinduism, Christianity, forgiveness, multi-dimensions in all facets, trancing, paganism-any form of belief system, information system or knowledge system we could find-some we studied more in depth. What became clear was that all systems of self experience in the world are essentially the same-playing on ego in various stages with the interplay of a premise of right and wrong, better or worse or even the middle way-some went as far as saying-I allow you yours-you allow me mine-still ego-just from a different starting point.


So-we have learned much-tested much with all of creation participating in various ways.

What has been established?-Creation have always existed as an agreement between beings-these agreements exist as unified fields-the problem with these fields were that they would cause experiences according to the starting points of the agreement.

Once we established that the starting point is the problem-we investigated the starting point-this caused havoc from the perspective of the reactive nature in beings linking themselves to their starting point as if that is who they are-that means-they have defined themselves according to the unified field and not according to self.

This then caused major deception and dishonesty-and a total lack of common sense-due to the fear of losing self-definition.

Through many processes designed to face fear and realize that no matter what I remain-we have reached an interesting point in the process. We have realized that there is a starting point in every moment-an independent starting point called life-when a choice is made then from this point-it is either self honest-thus honoring all life as equal and one
Or self dishonest-thus done to be more or less than life-thus based on a polarity and compromise-what became clear was that all Polarity is based in dishonesty and that it is impossible for life to exist in polarity

So polarity isn't a creation of the mind? Polarity exists from the point of self-dishonesty?


but from another view--the mind exist as self dishonesty in polarity


self dishonesty is separation from life--and thus how we kill ourselves and the world and creation

any premise that imply that something must be achieved as a better or higher implies a starting point of separation

For instance--the work of Osho on earth was vast and with a starting point that was considering much--yet he missed one point in his understanding of one and equal--he left out the dimensional existence and fell after death

Yet--in essence he understood much of letting go and dropping the mind--so is there many that understand parts of the premise--how to discern--it is not to judge--yet to see direct and frankly--is all and everything inclusive--and will this lead to a world of Self honesty--which obviously implies that this world in all ways must fall--as this is a results reality--we are lving the result ofour starting point

any desire to make the world a better place or save some-one --is separation or move to a better place

in the destruction of self dishonesty--understand that much turmoil will be experienced--and much challenge and self honesty will not give permanennt results till all of life is participating in the process of self honesty--this includes the 7 odd billion beings on earth