Written originally on the Forum by Bernard on 24 September 2007 at 11:23 pm

good person angel bernard poolman desteni.png


This is important to come to terms with--any polarity will always play out its ooposite as well--so desire to do good will create its equal in evil

look at selfhonesty--it is neither good nor evil--but is selfhonest in the moment

for all to be equal and one in all ways--no good or evil required

just all be equal and one and this result is not good--because it is the point/place where neither good or evil exist--the place of selfhonesty

so--a journey ahead--to find the expression of selfhonesty in self as a constand expression--unwavering

then there is no master or servant--no god or slave-- no ascended or sinner

all is here and look freedom as selfhonesty is neither good nor evil--it just is

the isness is practically the expression of life--because life only exist as equality as one as all --and the expression is selfhonesty that build selftrust in expression

Isness-- the I am placed in another way- indicate the point where good and bad does not exist--what exist is life--and life expressed without the possibility of good or bad or any polarity--

thus expressed

I am joy-

I am love

I am peace


in this amness/isness--because it is self and as self--it is a beingness and no polarity possible--no mind interpretation possible either

establishing this state of being is through selfhonesty in very moment till self become this isness n expression

rape , murder, war is the opposite of sensual,praise and peace

bad and good--the two fullfill each other and complete each other

the unified field law of balance demands this

we are not subject to these laws unless we allow it

for a moment we are in this situation--but make sure we are not of it

till it is no more

but in this we remain and then define what we would like to experience from a departure point of all as one and equal

lots of self honesty and self trust necessary to get to this

Is there such a thing as an honest or genuine feeling? Of happiness or of a desire to do good?

nope--it is always subjective

when you rescue some-one from an animal --are you doing good?

it maybe the animals food you take or the person you rescue abused the animal and the animal is teaching the person a lesson and you--unable to speak animal--do not understand the wisdom of the animal and in the love and wisdom of man--kills the animal--

there are many common sense examples why no feeling or honesty man understand can be trusted

and why this will not exist until man is ACTUALLY aware

man is now just a programmed response ROBOT

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