Interview Done by Darryl with Jack through the Portal.
This is a continuation of Part 1, which can be found here.


Darryl: Yes that is another book too. So, you focused on Andrea and you are just watching, are you seeing if things are going to happen or were you like excited, like oh boy this is going to be big?

Jack: No ehm...

Darryl: Was this Interesting?

Jack: It was interesting, because I had had such a Responsibility before. Meaning - here is this ‘child’ and I must ‘move’ into that direction. It is the same where for example, you sometimes just ‘know’ that ‘this is what I must do’ and you immediately ‘do it’ and ‘get it done’. I would describe the experience like that.

When I’d walk into a ‘point’ that was shown, like the point that came up within Existence as this ‘black empty space’ – when and as I ‘walked into it’, I see in that moment what is necessary to be done. But I did not know beforehand what the situation or scenario was. You kind of walk ‘the Unknown’, in that ‘Walking into the Unknown’ – it isn’t ‘the Unknown’ Anymore -- does that make sense?

Darryl: Yes, and what you are saying is that it is the difference between a theory and an experience

Jack: Yes. So that I cannot form any ‘prior ideas’, ‘opinions’, ‘judgments’ – create Any Form of Perceptual Reality of ‘what must be must be done’, Physically, Practically, Here. So, when I walk into that Experience (as the black empty space), I Become that Experience, Equal and One and I walk With, and As that Point - until it is done. So, that was a Point with Andrea, I walked into the Unknown, that ‘empty black space’.

In that moment, I saw ‘why I was here’, ‘why she was here’, the point of ‘Process’, the point of ‘meeting a Being’ (referring to Bernard) – but I did not see his, let’s call it Physical Picture Image’. You see in ‘Sound’.

So I knew what I had to do is, I had to ‘keep her’ from forming any Relationship with this Reality, ‘this World’, kind of keep her ‘out of the System’, ‘out of the World System’ – because if those Relationships were formed - the System, the World, would have a ‘hold’ on her and it would be so much more difficult to kind of ‘get her out of it’.

So I had to keep her ‘contained’ until she meets or she gets to that ‘one point’ (of meeting Bernard), I knew it was there – long time. That was just the ‘one point’ I had to do. Keep her out of the System until she gets to that ‘one point’.

Darryl: So the point that you saw, you did not know what that was?

Jack: I did not know what it was, no. I saw it as these lines that would present time; there was this one shape, this one oval shape. There was this point that we were moving toward and in that experience I saw I had to keep her contained within only herself here, out of the world System, so that her, yeah so that point kind of was here.

Darryl: So you weren’t in a ‘demon application’ in this spot?

Jack: (Laughs) No… that... Jesus, not at that stage. I had to take some ‘extreme’, ‘extreme measures’. In that moment when I integrated into her as a child, I thought: ‘Man this should be easy’, you know ‘just contain her’, you know, ‘don’t form Relationships with this World, with the World System’. Now I had ‘no idea’ how I was going to do that. There is no...

Darryl: Blueprint...

Jack: Nothing, I had nothing, I just had this ‘one point’ of: I had to ‘contain her’, ‘not have her Form Relationships and Integrate into the World System, into this World’ and get her to that ‘point’ within doing that. So, manifesting ‘Me as a Demon’, completely, entirely, going into that Expression ‘fully’ – I wouldn’t even say I was an ‘Aware Demon’, I was a ‘Complete Demon’. I had to Become that Point ‘So Absolutely’, and Trust Myself to be able to ‘become it so absolutely’, to be able to assist Andrea through her Process for her to ‘remain contained’ and not have her Mind expand to the Unconscious Mind Integration of the World System; and that I ‘Would Again Find Myself’.

Darryl: So there was a ‘danger’ or a ‘chance’ of being ‘trapped’ in the Demon Application?

Jack:  From a certain perspective, there was Fear. I did experience a ‘moment of fear’ with regards to considering what I would do if I don’t get out of this. Do I ‘trust me’ to such an extent that I would, even in Becoming a Demon So Absolutely -- Remain within ‘what had to be done’. Does that make sense? That is the ‘ultimate question’.

Darryl: Yeah...that is the ultimate question huh?

Jack: Well, let me explain what happened. Her childhood years were quite ‘easy’, because that is kind of when a Child starts Forming and Developing Certain Particular Specific Relationships. So, I ‘merged’ with her in her Physical Body as a Child. I stood Equal and One with her, and I basically ‘walked her.’ In other words, that means that for example,… Aat that stage I understood it to ‘Stand as a Resistance to this World’, you know, ‘to Resist this World’. To not ‘like’ this World, to not want to ‘exist in this World’, to kind of ‘see’ ‘what this World Really Is’, to ‘See the Truth of this World’. I mean, if you were to ‘See the Truth of this World’ - you would ‘Not want to Exist in this World’. You know. if you were really faced with ‘it’ and you ‘start seeing it’.

So, I pushed her through a few ‘hard’ and ‘difficult situations’ as a child, during her teenage years… and I mean that ‘shit’ is not easy to do. I mean, you must be Willing to take it ‘to the absolute’ to get this ‘one point through’ and get this ‘one point done’. And so, for example, I’d show her the ‘Truth’ of beings during her childhood years, during her teenage years with regards to the whole ‘concept’ of Friendship. So, I would even ‘play roles’ and ‘Integrate into her friend’ and ‘bring out their nastiness’ and their ‘bitchiness’ and their ‘deception’ and all their ‘behind their back stuff’ and all those type of things -- and make sure that she ‘finds out’ in some way or another. So that is basically what I did during that stage. And then the ‘Demon part’ came when she went into a Relationship with an ‘Arsehole’, basically.

Darryl: Yeah

Jack: Excuse my language... but that was still the whole ‘Pre-Programmed Life Design’ thing that was coming through there, where she was ‘leading’ toward a Life that was Equal and One to what her Mother and Father had. I mean, she did not even ‘know’ about and how their Relationship was and ‘actually really started off’. That was that whole ‘Abusive Relationship’. So, I knew that a Demon is ‘irreverent’ and that the only way I could really...because Andrea was ‘attached’ to this Person because of – in regards to ‘money’, you know, and ‘a place to stay’ and ‘survival in the matrix’ and shit like that. From a Certain Perspective I needed her there as well, because he... ok he was an ‘Arsehole’ that assisted ‘quite a bit’ actually.

Darryl:  So he was an ‘Okay Arsehole’?

Jack: Yeah (laughs)

Darryl: They exist, I have come across them.

Jack: I needed her ‘at that point’. From a Certain Perspective, that ‘Relationship’ was ‘similar’ to what her parents had, but also ‘the Exact Opposite’. ‘The Exact Opposite’, from the perspective of it being ‘Physical Abuse’ and not ‘Emotional Abuse’. If she would have gone into a Relationship with like a guy who did only the ‘Emotional Abuse stuff’, I don’t know how that would have ‘turned out’ --  so I utilized ‘that point’ with regards to that Relationship to ‘get out’ that whole ‘Pre-Programmed Relationship Design’-thing, out of her.