Interview by Bernard, recorded on 14th of October 2009

free choice sins of men bernard poolman desteni.png

Ok  - So, let’s start again at the point-of what is the difference between  a Child-Dying of Starvation or Rape and Jesus-Dying on a Cross?  Because, they’re both-Dying for the ‘Sins of-Men’. I mean according to Christianity Jesus-‘Died’ for the ‘Sins of-Men’ which meant =  the ‘Sins’ should’ve Ended-‘Then’. This is 2000 years-later, now we have Deaths of-Children Every- 5 seconds in the World, Dying-for the ‘Sins of-Men’ and still Men-says: ‘Oh, it’s ‘God’s-Will! - But I Will-Not Take ‘Responsibility’ and I Will-Not ‘Give-up’, my ‘Free-Choice’, my ‘Right’ to- Exist in Duality Within-Myself where I-can ‘entertain’-myself according-to my ‘Desires’ and those-‘things’ that ‘apparently’ makes me feel-‘Happy’’.

 Now, if we have to Extend-that ‘Death-On The-Cross’ including all the Animals being-Slaughtered and  People-Dying in-General in the World, we now have-a ‘Death’ probably every-‘millisecond’– ‘Dying’-for  the ‘Sins of-Men’.

What will-happen if we can-‘write’ a ‘Bible’ for each-one of-Them? start-a ‘Religion’ for Each-one of-Them - which will ‘kind-of’ be-‘Representative’ of- All the ‘Religions’ Men have-started. Every-‘Human-Being’ on-Earth – if you’d have to sit ‘face to-face’ to-them, you’ll find a Fascinating-‘thing’: Everyone ‘Believe’-‘Different’ to Everyone-Else  = Everyone’s- got their ‘Own’-Religion, Everyone has-‘got’ their ‘Own’-‘God’, and Everyone has-‘got’ their ‘Own’-‘Saviour’, and Everyone-Believes they’re-‘Right’ –which is the Principle-of ‘Free-Choice’ - and they ‘Defend’-it  with:  ‘ I-Have ‘Free-Choice’ = ‘God’ ‘Gave’-it to-‘Me.’ - You Will-Not ‘Find’ two human-beings that ‘Agree’-on every- ‘point’, nowhere-in the World.

So the very-‘Moment’ there-are ‘two’ or-‘three’ that ‘Agrees’ because it -says: ‘Where ‘Two’ or ‘more’ is-in my-‘Name’-  that –means that You can -‘Agree’ about -‘something’-‘ There I-Am as-well’ that means = You have a ‘Multiplication’ of-‘Power’. Those-‘points’ are  Non-‘Existent’, those-‘points’ are ‘Managed’-in this World by-Money.
You want ‘Agreement’-from (laughs) ‘somebody’ = Give-them Money and they’ll ‘Agree’ with-you. That’s-how Corporations-‘Operate’ isn’t- it? You-are ‘Given’ ‘That’-which You-have to-‘Say’, you-are ‘Given’ the ‘Meaning’-of ‘All’ the-‘Words’, you-are ‘Given’ the ‘Actions’ you -Have to-‘Take’ - Every single-‘thing’ must-come as ‘One-Voice’ and therefore the Corporation become-a ‘Corpus’, a ‘Power’, a ‘Living-Entity’ that -is ‘Powerful’-because more than ‘one’-  ‘Two or-‘more’-in my-‘Name’-which-is the ‘Name’ of-the  ‘Corporation’-  ‘There I-Am as-well’ So the ‘Corporation’ is-now ‘Manifested’ as a-‘Real-Entity’ and is ‘Existent’ within-this World, and is ‘Managed’ by -‘Energy’ called ‘Money’ - and Everybody-‘Agrees’ as-‘long ‘as-they  ‘Get’-Money – the very-‘Moment’ they-Don’t ‘Get’-Money obviously all-those so-called ‘Loyalties’ are certainly-‘gone’.

But, the Question-is: ‘Why’-is Nobody ‘Seeing’-this? - Or ‘Doing’-Anything about-it? –

 ‘Why’ is Nobody-‘Seeing’ that the ‘Children’ - and those that ‘Die ‘of-‘Crime’ and ‘War’ an all-‘kinds’ of-‘ways’ in this World - is Still-‘Dying ‘ for the ‘Sins of-Men’?

‘Why’-is ‘That’ Not-‘Seen’?

‘Why’ -is ‘That’ Not-‘Considered’?

 ‘Why’ Is the-‘Greatest’ Dishonesty-‘Imaginable’=‘Free-Choice’- Being-‘Accepted’ by-All ?

And ‘Why’-is Nobody ‘Willing’ to-‘See’ Themselves in-the ‘Mirror’ of-Themselves? – Which is the-World and in the Words they-‘speak’ and in the-‘thoughts’ they-Have in terms-of ‘What’ it-is that they’re ‘really’-doing  that No-‘Two’ Humans can-‘Agree’?

Once you start to-Answer these-’kind’ of-Questions, you will-come to very-interesting Realizations. First of-all that: it is Impossible for-Humanity to Ever-‘reach’ ‘Oneness’ and ‘Equality’ from that ‘vantage’-point,  from this-position of ‘Free-Choice’- because ‘Free-Choice’  is the very-‘thing’ that ‘stands’ in the-‘Way’ of the ‘End of-Sin’, because as-‘long’ as ‘Choice’-Exist = ‘Sin’-Exist - You want-to Stop-‘Sin’= you ‘give-up’-‘Choice’ – very-simple, CommonSense, and instead-of ‘Choice’ = You ‘Act’-Always in the ‘Best-Interest’ of All-Life ‘Equal’ and-‘One’-  I mean, then there is No-‘Choice’ Necessary, because the ‘Best-Interest’ is a ‘Living-Choice’, a ‘Single’-‘Choice’,  a ‘Last’-‘Choice’ –You never-make ‘another’- ‘Choice’ Where -you’d ‘Allow’ any-‘form’ of ‘Sin’ or ‘Inequality’ or ‘Abuse’ –because you-make a ‘Final-Choice’. The ‘Final-Choice’ Is: ‘I Stand-Here as-Life and Now I-Walk’.

Obviously quite-‘difficult’ in-this World, in the current-‘state’ we are-in because it’s gonna-take a ‘while’ for-Everyone to-‘See’ the CommonSense of-this, it’s-not just going-to be ‘Accepted’ because: Beings-‘like’ their ‘Free-Choice’ - ‘their’-fact : ‘I have a ‘Choice’-to ‘feel’-like I ‘feel’ Really? If you ‘really’-go and investigate the-‘way’ you-‘feel’ – the-‘headache’, the-‘pain’, ‘discomfort’ = you-give ‘permission’ to-it, you- made a ‘Choice’ to Have-it, You-Use ‘Pain’ to-‘Cover’ Reality. Yes, there-is another-‘Pain’, the-Pain that- Is Real. I mean, the Child that-is Starving = Has No-‘Power’ and therefore their-‘Pain’ is Real = there-is Nothing they can-’Do’ about-it, they’re- Actually in-a Position of ‘No-Choice’ placed-there by the people ‘With’-‘Choice’,  It is one of the ‘Equations’ of the Polarity that is-busy ‘playing’-out, One of the ‘Points’-of ‘Individuality’ - the ‘Duality’ ‘playing’-out. The ‘Duality’ is Not-only ‘Inside’-Man, it’s-also ‘Outside’ in-‘How’ we-‘Live’.

So, it-is Important to-start-to look-at the ‘Veils’ that-is ‘over’ One’s-Eyes – the ‘wool’ that  has been ‘pulled’-over your -Eyes, was-it the-‘World’ that’s being ‘pulled’-over your-Eyes? Cause the World’s been ‘pulled’-over your-Eyes in Every-‘Conceivable’ way and you’re-Not going-to just ‘Remove’-this. It’s gonna-be a Process-of ‘Becoming’-specific. Within-that  you have- to In Every-Breath ‘give-up’ ‘Choice’ and Always make-one ‘Choice’, that-‘Choice’ must-Always be the-Same, that means it-becomes the ‘Last-Choice’ and the ‘Only-Choice’ because is Always the Same-‘Choice’: ‘Best- for All’ Equal and One – All-Life – Right-‘Here’, Right-‘Now’, Whatever it-‘Takes’ - Therefore: You Have No-more ‘Choice’ because you’re Only-making ‘One-Choice’ - Always the-Same ‘Choice’.

 So-therefore in-Effect:  You-End your-‘own’ ‘Choice’ Deliberately – not-that you Ever ‘Had’-any ‘Choice’ per se because all you-had as ‘Choices’ were-always just ‘outflows’ from Events that ‘Happens’ to-you. Life ‘Happen’ to-you and then you-‘Happen’ to make-a ‘Choice’ based-on the Environmental-‘influence’. But if-you Start-to-Deliberately Make-‘Choices’ ‘Best-for All’,  you are going-to Experience some-‘form’ of ‘Conflict’, ‘Resistance’ from- those around-you that says: ‘Why are-You Not- like All of-‘Us’?’, ‘Why don’t -you just-‘Accept’ the World ‘the Way it-is’? ‘God’ made-it ‘this-way’ and Jesus ‘Died’ for your-‘Sins’, so that you-may be-‘Free’ forevermore! and Jesus-‘live’ within-me, I ‘See’-him!’

I wonder-what you will-Say to the Child being-raped and whose throat is being-slit if you stand-there ‘watching’,  Would you-Do as the ‘Angels’-did? they were-watching this ‘Happening’ Doing-‘Nothing’. When we asked-them ‘Why’, they-said ‘It was ‘God’s-Will’, but this-‘God’ was a System, a ‘Light’, a ‘Force’-of ‘Great- Light’, a ‘Galactic-Light’, a ‘Light’-into ‘Infinity’, a ‘Wall of-Light’ so-‘bright’ that-All feared-it – oh,  ‘strange’ one would- fear the ‘light’- Nobody ‘Questioned’-it,  Nobody-‘Dared’ Questioning-it. I mean, I would Suggest you-Don’t ‘Question’-it if you’re not-Standing in ‘Self-Honesty’ because = it will-simply ‘enhance’ your ‘Dis-Honesty’ because you’re ‘controlled’ by- it, this-‘god’. This-‘god’ is still very-much ‘Alive’ within-you in every-Moment. This-‘god’ is the very-‘Energy’ you-‘Experience’, this ‘Energy’ is-‘god’, your ‘True-God’.

And have a-look: this ‘Energy’ ‘Happens’ to-you, it-‘moves’ - then it’s ‘this’- way, then it´s that-‘way’ - then you-Feel ‘this’- way, then you-Feel ‘that’-way = That-is ‘god’,  that’s the ‘parts’ of-you you’re not-‘Directing’. ‘That’-is the ‘god’ that is-allowing ‘what’? Your ‘Free-Choice’ so-that Every-‘Second’ a Being-Dies-for your -‘Sins’, a Life-of ‘Sacrifice’, the ‘Sacrificial-Lambs’ is-Dying Every-Moment – anybody-noticing? No!  Because it-doesn’t ‘Happen’ to- you – yet - But when it-Does, you get-‘Angry’, Oh, yes!  How does... I mean, ‘I have-spent, I’ve-given my ‘Life’ to Jesus – I have-been my Life-with ‘god’, and now this-‘Happens’ to-me’ and then even if it-Happens, you end-up ‘justifying’-it eventually, you end-up saying: ‘It must be ‘God’s- Will’, I am Not-‘Capable’ of understanding ‘God´s-Will’, he ‘gave’-me ‘Free-Choice’ and I- do my-‘best’ in circumstances with the ‘Choices’ I- made’ - But you don’t-‘Notice’ that the circumstances ‘Happens’ to-you, you have-no ‘Free-Choice’, you only-have a ‘Choice’-within a ‘set’-of ‘circumstances’ that ‘Happens’ to-you. You-‘Happen’ to- be on-this Earth, you-‘Happen’ to-be ‘Spanish’ or ‘English ‘or ‘Chinese’, you-‘Happen’ to-be ‘Rich’ or ‘Poor’ –Interesting, and then it keeps-on ‘Happening’ and nobody-ask a question: ‘What-is ‘Happening’? Is-this the ‘Great-Happening’? What- is ‘Happening’? Oh, it’s-‘Happening!’ - but when are you-‘Living’ while-all of-this is ‘Happening’? ‘Oh, I-go watch the ‘movies’, I-have a ‘good’-cool ‘relationship’, I-have ‘Children’, I-have ‘Money’, I Can-Do ‘things’, you- know?’ –‘ If you-do what ‘god’ tells-you to-‘do’= your ‘Life’ is-‘good’, ‘good’-things ‘Happen’ to-you’ - Oh, so you-still don’t-have ‘Choice’, it’s still-just ‘Happening’ to-you. And even-in ‘giving’ your-Life to Jesus and ‘giving’ your-Life to-‘god’ or ‘giving’ your-Life to-some ‘Higher’-Being = Everything is still-just ‘Happening’ to-you, you still don’t-have ‘Free-Choice’, a ‘Free-Choice’ is-certainly, is not-‘relevant’.

Therefore, the  ‘First’-time you’ll-‘make’ a ‘Free-Choice’ would-be when You-make a ‘Choice’ to Free-Humanity from this-‘Bullshit’. From the ‘Bullshit’ of-a Jesus, of-a ‘God’ and-a ‘Divinity’ and a ‘Spirit’ and a ‘Allah’ and-a ‘Ramtha’ and all kinds-of ‘Thas’ and ‘Ras’ and ‘Geists’ and ‘Ghosts’ and ‘Spirits’ and ‘Devils’ and ‘Satans’ and... I mean, What Is-it that you-Have ‘Power’-over? You-have ‘Power’-over ‘What’ You-Do in Every-Breath in your- Life, You-have ‘Power’-over What-you ‘Accept’/What-you ‘Don’t- Accept’- Yes, the experience is- not-going to-be ‘Nice’ – be ‘certain’ of-that. You are going to-have ‘Everyone’ around-you saying: ‘How ‘Dare’-you ‘Question’-Reality, I mean there must-be ‘something’- ‘Greater’  that has-‘formed’ this-Reality’- Really? Look-back what is Here-today, we as Human-Beings, your all forefathers ‘build’-it,  there-was no-fucking ‘God’ ‘doing’-it, it was build-by Human-‘Hands’, it was ‘done’, build by Human-‘Knowledge’.  Show me any-‘construct’, any-‘point’ on this Earth build-by ‘God’. Every single-‘thing’ that Exist = by-Man. ‘Oh, what-about the Earth? ’ Oh yes, what-about the Earth? Where did-That ‘come’-from? Hmm... Nobody-‘Knows’, it’s a rock-‘floating’-in the sky, it’s the ‘Third-rock’ from the Sun – Who ‘made’ the ‘Sun’? I mean, ‘What- is the Sun? ‘Oh it’s-‘chemicals’ that-is ‘combusted’, hmm – ‘What-is the Earth?’ ‘Oh, it’s ‘chemicals’. Yes certainly you did-not ‘make’-this as a Human-Being = you-are Made ‘From’-this, you-wanna ‘Find’ ‘What’ Made-this? There is no-way, not-even in Death will you-know. Why will you not-know ‘what’ made-this? Cause you’re-not Considering the ‘Obvious’-point, that you’re not-Worthy to-know, cause you can’t-even ‘handle’-Yourself Within One-Breath. Therefore, you have to give-‘names’ to-‘things’ attempting to-Understand ‘what’-they are and ‘How’ they-‘operate’ and ‘where’ they ‘come’-from. Maybe ‘one-day’ you’ll know, maybe you-won’t – but that makes No-‘Difference’ whatsoever to ‘Who-You-Are’ in Every-Breath and ‘What -you-‘Do’ and ‘What -you-‘Allow’. There-is Nothing that ‘prevents’-you from-Being ‘Self-Honest’ making a decision-to ‘Act’ in the ‘Best-Interest’ of-All – Nothing in Existence,  but Yourself. There-is Nothing but-You that Can-Stop the ‘Dying’-of Everyone for the ‘Sins of the-World’ Every-Second. Will You Do-it?  Uh -unlikely.

Will You ‘push’ your-CommonSense and ‘Stand’-up, Speak-Common-Sense and Not-‘get’ Angry’? Unlikely. Will-You ‘Enhance’ your ‘ability’ to-the Point-where you- are Not-‘Afraid’ to ‘Speak’-up No matter-‘What’? Will-You Do-that? Unlikely. Will-You Take  ‘apart’ the knowledge of Humanity and Expose the Dishonesty and the ‘Manipulation’ and ‘Information’ and ‘Knowledge’ and Assist Each-One until they-Realize: ‘But Here We-‘Can’ Stand-together, We ‘Can’ Stop-this’. Will -You ‘Do’-that? Unlikely.

Why-Not? It-Interferes with ‘Your’-Life- I mean, there  is more ‘important-‘things’ you-want to-‘Do’ that makes your-Life ‘happy’ and ‘fun’ – you want to-have a ‘Happy’ and ‘Fun’-Life, I mean, you-want your, the ‘important’- things in your-Life to-‘work’, which-is ‘important’ to-you in an Individual-level, you’re Not-Interested in a ‘Bigger’-Solution because your-Life is-‘working’ relatively-‘well’-  But those that-is ‘Dying’-for your-‘Sins’, they have a ‘little-bit’ of-a ‘Problem’,  isn’t-it? Their Lives- Not ‘Working-well’, but you’re not-‘there’ where they’re Being-‘Crucified’ for your-‘Sins’, you’re not-‘there’ where they-Take their ‘Last’-Breath in Agony,  Feeling totally-Isolated and Abandoned asking: ‘My god, my god, why have-you ‘Forsaken’-me?’ – You are Not-‘there’ because according to-you, you’re-Not ‘Forsaken’, You are taken-‘care’ of, because you-have one-‘interesting’ thing: You-Have ‘Security’, you-Have ‘Money’, you-Have an ‘Education’, you-Have a ‘Life’-that ‘works’ - And you-won’t ‘give-it’-up, Never-for ‘those’ that’s-going to-Die ‘Anyway’-according to-you - They’re going to-Die ‘Any-way’ – yes, they´re going to-Die ‘Any-way’- They ‘Must’-Die, because the System cannot-Exist if-they Don’t-Die, if there is- No ‘Sacrifice’, the System cannot-Exist. You-Can’t ‘Have’ unless they-Die, You- Can’t ‘Eat’ unless they-Starve, it is Impossible. Wonder-‘why’ the mathematicians don’t-do the ‘Basic’-Equations to ‘prove’- this,  because it can be ‘proven’-mathematically, this ‘Relativity’-point , How-Everything is ‘Relative’ to Each-Other, even the Basic-Premise of Food on the Planet-‘based’ on-a ‘Monetary-System’ – and an ‘Economic-System’ that is basically Capitalistic-‘Driven’ System of-‘Profit’.

There is no-‘Socialism’ in the World, there-is ‘Capitalism’, but interesting when-you make-a ‘mistake’ in the System, then you-get ‘Capital’-Punishment, and in Every-country there is a ‘Capital’-City, and when-you’re ‘Important’ your- Name  is-written in ‘Capital’- letters. So this ‘Capital’- thing seems to-be very-‘important’ that -means, it depends-on I mean, which ‘Cap’ you’re-‘wearing’.

The difficulty is-that: You Can-be ‘Controlled’ by-Money.

Will You-Get and Stand-up and become-Effective to-‘Generate’ your Own-Money, to Stand Independent and to Take’-on the System through-CommonSense, Bring-forth ‘ways’ to ‘Question’-it without-‘Conflict’ Unnecessary? An ‘Activist’ that ‘Acts’ with-CommonSense, that deliberately-Promote-Solutions of-which there are very-‘few’: An ‘Equal-Money’ and a ‘Equal-Labour System’ is One Singular-‘Point’ that  will-Solve Endless, Endless-Suffering on the-Planet - and it Will-Not ‘take-away’ from-those that-‘Have’ as-such = it will ‘take-away’ from those that-Has ‘too-much’ - but obviously a ‘Solution’ can be ‘worked’-out for that-even, so that they can ‘slowly’ get ‘rid’-of-it – it’s not so-much about-‘them’ as-about ‘those’-that Don’t-‘Have’. And yes, We Will-‘Change’ ‘How’ we Do-‘things’ because, ‘suddenly’ you’re going-to Realize that:  you took ‘a-lot’ of-things for ‘granted’, a-lot of the Products that you-‘buy’ and a-lot of the Food you-‘buy’ come-from ‘somewhere’ where you don’t even-know where its-‘from’. Like we, we saw with the ‘weed’ –the ‘Ganja’ that is smoked, smoked where one of the farmers of the hemp for the markets of our ‘peace-loving’ weed-smokers, was- using the Hands of-Monkeys that-was ‘chopped ‘-off  as ‘muthi’ (South African traditional medicine) to ‘protect’ the crops. Now  within-Holographics, ‘Consequence’ and ‘Karma’: when  You-Smoke that-‘joint’  = you-are Responsible for the Mutilation and the Death-of those-Monkeys to make-‘sure’ that you-got the fucking-‘weed’ that you can-Smoke, but you’re ‘too- high’ to really-look at what the-fuck’s really ‘going-on’ –Drugged-up- Disgusting-piece of-Meat, Not-Considering What the-fuck is Really going-on in Reality, having-‘Great-Philosophical’ Insights– What the-Fuck is-that ‘Worth’ with a Child-Dying Every Five-Seconds, Dying for-Your Fucking-Sins, Fucking-Assholes, Jesus –

There-is Nothing as-Disgusting as a-Being that-is ‘believing’ in-‘Love’ and is ‘blind- to what’s going-on in Reality – they are the most Disgusting-things in Existence, ‘shinning their-Light’ – How do you Know-that? Go and walk-in Darkness with a light, let me put -you in a place that you’ve never-been: will that ‘light’ help-you in ‘any-way’ whatsoever in the Darkness? Will you-‘know’ where to-go? Obviously-Not, you’ll Not Fucking-See any-further than the light is-shinning = you’ll-be Fucked. Hey, You-‘Trust ’the-‘Light’, I would-prefer to-walk in the Darkness and Know-where the fuck I´m walking, get to Know -where I’m-going,  and Not-‘Trust’ the Light, because the Light makes-things look-‘different’ to what it- Is. (dogs barking in the background)

Ok, I suppose that’s-Enough-